Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Are scenes of consciousness lit up for the awareness of--- ‘being’; shining its lambent flood onto the screen of our wondering minds. But what possible scenes of consciousness could be lit up when contacting the elusive quality known as--- ‘being’?  How is it, in our search for ‘being’, a suspicion always arises, we might not be looking in the right manner, or in the right place??
  It doesn’t feel like we blunder and stumble onto to it; thinking to our selves: “…right, there it is--- being”.  And what do we know, when of a sudden we feel or intuit the metaphysical notification of its presence? Not that ‘being’ is dependent on our awareness; for our very apparatus of comingling thoughts to produce the question ‘what is being’ is already saturated with subjective properties that aspirate ‘being’,  not as an inflected essence, nay it is the noise of life itself, the shining, the sound and the fury of it. 
But to advance a clear definition of what ‘being’ could be, is burdened with supreme difficulty, namely the problem of conjoining “meanings” with word to word nexus; or rather, stringing together a chain of thought producing sentences, in hopes of communicating contextual meaning, for ‘beings’ very qualities are highly contingent, remorsefully inducted at every turn to the services of a biased interpretation. And this is a construal (trying to figure out what exactly it is) which depletes ones needed conservation of energy to pinpoint ‘beings’ steadfast imprecision…at least it seems that way; for we can talk about it, are in it, but where is it, how can we detach from what is inside us as a reflection of our being??  Or is it we are truly impoverished as symbol makers, who must rely on vague intuitive leaps of faith when aligning or juxtaposing our adverbial or adjectival attempts, when ‘pinning-to-the-styro-foam’…  the underpinnings of ‘being’?
 And what of the extensiveness of one’s scope, erudition or perfect recall—does it move us along closer to the truth—for Beings’ recognition initiates the normal gears and wheels of our psyche, but in the presence of ‘being’ how we articulate what exactly it is; results in an impoverished description. How are we to communicate what we know of ‘being’, when searching for words to describe its properties? The search is initiated by thought-police trying in vain to find the elusive criminal---‘being’, for it is the ‘thieve’ of our proprietary claims—‘we are what we own’!  Being is always there to snatch away our needed ‘observational-platform’, absconding to the nether regions of our psyche, scurrying away with the precious cargo of ideas that might prove once and for all the ‘I-am-that-I-am’ somehow prefigures the outlines of ‘Beings-properties’…I think …as one who has been robbed of meaning, definition, as-certainty!.
   What are the properties of being?    The intended effort to make known ‘what-is-being’ to another, is always fraught with the difficulties of conveying its meaning through the medium of body-language, words, symbols, all edging or skirting a highly central core of meaning, as if a viable pattern of truth, is coaxed, to briefly peek out at us from the edge of its active field of occurrence.
  It appears that ‘being’ manifests itself outside of our psyche; and if ‘being’ had as one of its properties--- ‘sentence-making’, it probably would announce to the curious with a salient message:..  “I am being, you now have the privilege of discussing my properties…and I will remain in a state of disclosure in the face of other objective inklings you might have”.  I suppose normal maneuvers of the psyche would at least provide a practical sketch of ‘beings’ properties. I think what ensues when we have the inclination of  contacting ‘being’, is a sensation that a mystical region is shining one of its entities as a sort of lambent- envelope of energy, ineluctably embroidering the nature of its disclosure with enough pressure to notify itself as---being.  And if we have a strong enough impression, and our mind is empty of any muddling judgments, ‘being’ comes to us as a light shone on the tendril of our outreaching interests; subjectivity in this sense finds the truth as it discovers it, in a very personal way, without a concurrent detachment from the ‘properties of being’ shining ‘a necessary clarity’ that we are experiencing life…as   being   there. 

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Monday, September 3, 2007


Truth is a matter of examining lies, superstitions, myths,gossip...

CG Jung-the psyche

"...instead of wild beasts, tumbling rocks, inundating waters, Man today, is exposed to the elemental forces of his own psyche."

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Pietu on Morality

The willingness to be moral when relating to ones fellow man, points to a higher ethical code, than one who acts moral out of fear of divine reprisals.